How Explainer Videos Help Advertising & Affiliate Marketing
If you want your website to have enough traffic to keep it beneficial and profitable, you need to have a considerably longer average visit duration on your site. The explainer video should be one of the best options to achieve a better visit duration. This helps you make the visitor stay on the site for long enough. How would you use the explainer videos for your advertising and affiliate marketing? Here are a few tips that would be interesting enough.
Here are a few pointers that can help you improve the performance of your affiliate sites and other advertising needs.
The explainer video assist in increasing the conversion rates
You will find the best performance options for your site if you have an explainer video. In fact, it has been observed that visitors tend to make a purchase if there is a video accompanying a product. This should be good for almost all types of businesses. This should explain why affiliate marketing services with better videos work better.
They help the visitor understand the product better
The tutorials and guides are made available in the form of text and images. However, it may not always work. The videos should help you understand the concept behind the product or service in a better way. The explainer video can make it easy to understand the set the ideas into motion. The visitors would be able to make quicker decisions.
Explainer videos would be the best for conversational marketing
Videos for conversational marketing have been known to be the perfect options for inbound marketing. It can help you work towards the best 1:1 strategy through live chats, messenger services and emails or bots. This can go a long way in promoting your business further ahead. You would be able to satisfy the customer’s needs.
They help you rank better in Google Search
Videos have been considered to be the best options for excellent SEO performance. They can assist you in more ways than one in improving the Google search ranking of your affiliate sites. In fact, creating and adding a video to your post should never be a concern. The video-sharing websites assist you in adding the videos onto your site with just a single line.
Explainer videos can be a boon to improve traffic
Ever wanted to make your website content go viral? Well, the perfect option that can help you achieve it would be to use a good explainer video on your website. Make sure you produce a video that has the ability to go viral. Sharing it on your social profiles can assist you in achieving better results. Animated explainer videos should be one of the great options to achieve it.
A few salient pointers that go to prove the efficiency of an explainer video can be
- According to research published in Forbes, more than 95 per cent of the people who have seen a video have indicated that they have learnt or wanted to learn a lot about the product or service.
- More than 80 per cent of the businesses and website owners have agreed that it has improved the effectiveness of their site
- Close to 97 per cent of users claim that the explainer videos help them understand the business and the products.
- More than 70 per cent of the businesses claim that the explainer videos have improved the conversion rate.
That goes a long way in proving the efficiency of explanatory videos in enhancing the degree of performance shown by your advertising efforts and affiliate marketing benefits. In fact, video advertising has become a new in-thing and should indeed be an excellent option in more ways than one.