Propeller Ads Referral Program: Join And Earn 5% For Life
We would like to talk about the Propeller ads referral program in this post.
As we know the referral programs are great alternatives to mainstream online advertising.
There are hundreds and thousands of referral programs.
But, choosing the right referral program is important.
The Propellerads is a popular ad network that helps publishers to monetize their websites.
Apart from monetizing your blog with direct ads, push notifications and popunders, you could also try their referral program.
How Can Someone Join The Propeller Ads Referral Program?
To become a Propeller Ads affiliate, you must be a publisher.
That means you must have a website or a blog.
For joining as a Propeller Ads affiliate, go to the Referrals program page as shown in the image below.
Under Share your link box, you will find an unique referral link.
How Can Affiliates Promote The Propeller Ads?
1. At the time of writing this article, the Propeller ads is not supplying any creatives.
You can design your own banner and link it to Propeller ads.
After designing the banners, place them on your website.
2. You can directly share your referral link on your social profiles like Facebook and Twitter.
3. The affiliates can talk about the Propeller ads in a podcast and share the referral link to the listeners.
4. Are you a YouTuber?
If your answer is yes, then create a video about the Propeller ads.
Leaving your referral link in the description would help you in getting referrals.
5. If you have a list of subscribers, then let them know about the Propeller Ads through the newsletters.
How Much Does The Propeller Ads Pay Referrals?
You will receive 5% commission from your referral’s earnings for lifetime.
One should try to refer as many publishers as they can.
The Propellerads have other push notification monetization platform called Propush.
Even they offer the same commission rate.
Read the Propush review if you’re interested.
How And When Will You Get Paid?
The referral commissions are added into your main balance.
You need to reach at least $5 for withdrawing payment.
The payment options are PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, Wire transfer and Webmoney Z.
You will get paid on the monthly basis.
Final Conclusion – Is Propeller Ads Referral Program Really Worthy?
Let us be honest. You cannot rely on the Propeller ads referral program completely.
The referral commission is too low.
But, you can try their referral program to earn extra income.
You could earn decent money when you use Propellerads for both monetizing your blog and referring publishers.
Have you worked as a Propellerads affiliate?
If your answer is yes, then please share your working experiences.
Hope this Propeller ads referral program review help publishers while getting started.
Join Propeller ads referral program and start generating profits.