How to start a successful online business from scratch
How to start a successful online business from scratch
There are mainly two ways involved while starting an online business
1. Start a website to promote your products or services
The very first way is to start your own website. Before starting up one has to think about the niche as it decides the destiny of your online business. For instance, you have been a freelance interior designer for a long time and it’s really good to start a website to know others about your services. Make sure that the website name matches with the business name. Generally, customers search for the business name. Starting a website is not enough to get business. Converting traffic to the leads needs a lot of work.
It’s not restricted to services alone. You could own a product and want to sell it online. Talk about your product on your website. 99% of people use squeeze pages to capture leads. Making an introductory video always helps to interact with real people. You could also reach potential customers through different social media platforms and other traditional media services. Affiliate marketers could sell other products in a similar way. For instance, hundreds of thousands of Clickbank marketers are following the same strategies.
Unfortunately, e-commerce space is overcrowded. So, it’s better to look for other innovative ideas. Some enthusiastic people don’t offer any service or don’t have any product to promote. They must watch the trends and come up with a unique idea.
The following are the different ways to promote your online business.
- Starting a blog
- Having a YouTube channel
- Doing SEO for website
- Using PPC
Investment is mandatory to build a high-quality website
You need to invest to build a website. The very first thing is to buy a domain name and web hosting. It would be better if you find good hosting company which provides all the services like domain name, web hosting, web designing, web development, web maintenance and SEO. It saves your time and money. Fix appointment with the concerned person in the company. Negotiate well and explain your requirements.
If you plan for a big portal, it’s better to go to venture capitalists. They may give you initial funding if your idea is convincing. If you want to start small invest your savings or ask your friends or family for funds.
2. Start a blog to show your talents or express opinions
The second way is to start a blog with the niche that interests you. The topics could be anything from the latest technology updates, reviews, gadgets, movies, cooking, travel, painting, music dancing, knitting, health to poetry. Bloggers frequently update their blogs to stay connected with the readers. You can even start a personal blog and post articles which are interesting to the users. Corporate companies target their potential clients with a company blog.
Huffingtonpost and Mashable are not blogs any more. They have grown into huge publishing companies. They generate millions of dollars revenue every month.
Free blog hosting is fun for beginners
Blogger and WordPress are the most popular free blogging platforms (Content Management system) available on the internet. Anyone with the basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript can manage blogs on these platforms. However, there are some limitations while using free blog hosting. But if you want your blog to look professional self-hosting is the best thing to start.
Advantages Of free blog hosting
1. Hosting (Bandwidth and Web space) is absolutely free.
2. There is no technical knowledge required to start a free blog.
3. Templates are free to use.
4. You can find a user-friendly interface to manage the blog.
Disadvantages of free blog hosting
1. You can’t sell your blog to anyone.
2. You don’t have complete control on your blog.
3. Free blog hosting provider may remove your blog at any time.
4. The terms of service can change at any time.
5. The domain names would be (Blogger) and (WordPress)
Note: You can redirect to the custom domain but you don’t have complete control on your blog. So, it is always better to pick self-hosting.
Final Conclusion
For any successful online business having a website or blog is mandatory.
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