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  1. I have received today payment from Thanks MALTACPM best ad network.

  2. Vimlesh Kumar says:

    Thanks MaltaCPM again Thanks for my June 2016 payment.

  3. Just got approved. I think it is named atomx now (matlacpm did open my account on that platform). Looks good. Cpm a bit on the low side.

  4. MaltaCPM working with top ad exchanges like Atomx and Appnexus. When publisher register account on MaltaCPM. Then publisher get approval from Atomx or Appnexus through MaltaCPM.

  5. MaltaCPM Ad Network gets CRAZY… once more!

    In December, you have the opportunity to earn much more than you thought!
    To celebrate the end of 2016, we created a special challenge just for you.
    Here are your personal challenge for December and your special gift:


    AND GET: $45 EXTRA

    If you have any doubt or question, feel free to contact us anytime.
    Contact: info @ maltacpm (dot) com
    Skype: Malta.CPM

    1. Summi Plataz says:

      Success is no accident. It is my hard work with the help of maltacpm support team.

      1. Summi Plataz, It’s not accident. Maltacpm really good company. I already have good successful story with the help of maltacpm support.

    2. Shankar Dhanrajky says:

      Please dont scam people folks. pardon me for hurting anyone.
      But i want to tell u this, atomx platform does not even have the option of upgrading my payments details and everything in it. i cant edit my damn profile.

      What the hell is this? —– attach the screen shots on comments sections if u people r so satisfied with it, my web is full on with 3-4 maltacpm banners and yet no earnings.

      I am full of complains for maltacpm. No one replies the damn mails as well — there customer support also sucks big time. they are living on HOLIDAYS.

      Until i get my withdrawals, maltacpm is on my scam list. they are wasting my traffic…… SORRY EVRYONE but so far thats the reality.

  6. Sasha Jevremovic says:

    Hello MaltaCPM, How much do you give for Arabic traffic? I have lot of Arabic traffic for you. I have already Sale2Buyer account and they give me only $0.02 for 53 impressions out of more than 301 impressions with $0.39 eCPM.

  7. TricksandDeals says:

    Who have no Google Adsense account they can join MaltaCPM CPM Banner Ad Network. MaltaCPM offer good rate for Indian traffic.

    1. I’m glad MaltaCPM wordked for you. Thanks for sharing your experience. 🙂

      1. MaltaCPM Ad Network says:

        Suresh, You are good person and knowledgeable man. I like your work. Carry on. Have a nice day my friend.

  8. MaltaCPM Advertising Network says:

    ——— Breaking News ———–
    Finally MaltaCPM Advertising Network start working with SmartAdServer. Who want to earn from SmartAdServer then will join MaltaCPM. Within 3 to 4 hours you will get approval.

    1. Owen Adrian says:

      How i can get smartadserver publisher account. i have already Atomx account and second time payment received. What is payment term with smartadserver platform. Waiting reply. Thanks

  9. hello,
    i have joined maltacpm
    got approval email from atomx , i cant login to maltacpm besides atomx working fine for me.
    please let me know what to do ? should i stay on atomx ? with atomx i cant edit my payment method

  10. Joinson Breez says:

    Finalmente un pago más recibido.Gracias maltacpm

  11. KM Yousaf says:

    Can i use maltacpm tags with google adsense ads.

    1. Yes you can use MaltaCPM ads with Adsense ads.

      1. Yousef Mesto says:

        Amazing you mean we can earn double income with adsense and maltacpm ads. I think maltacpm offer iFrame and script tags?
        I am right?

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